“Lesbian: An Investigatory Treatise” – WS 308: Lesbian Literature

10 Dec

Audre Lorde

For this zine project, I felt particularly cautious about defining and unpacking the term lesbian in the same manner I did “Intimate” and “Queer Reading” within those zines. I took particular care as someone who understandably participates within this class as a complete outsider–someone who is neither female-identified nor someone who couples with female-identified persons.  Lesbian, the word and concept, seems particularly fragile–if only because it felt readily abandoned by those who identified as heterosexual and those who believed they were beyond the label of “lesbian” and simply were “themselves”. I found this both within the texts we read, in readings by/about the authors of the texts, and throughout discussions with my peers. I did/do not intend to make a judgement towards those who choose not to identify as lesbian but my intention within the zine was to project my hope that a multiplicity of someones will continue to participate within this identification, make it their own, and thrive within its capacious confines.

Lesbian: An Investigatory Treatise

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